Great news from Silent Hill! “Road of Guilt” has been officially selected to take part in the Azure Lorica FanFilm Awards in L.A!
AWARD CATEGORIES (That ROG would be up for)
Best Film, Best Cinematography, Best Director, and Best Actor to name a few depending on what is available within their program this year!

FILM WINNERS – Opportunities
Azure Lorica will be awarding winning Nominees during the ceremony with one whole year’s marketing support from Azure Lorica, and one trophy per category.
With some help from Azure, who knows what our next project could be like, considering this was a zero budget film!

Wish us luck, and please spread the word and take a trip down the “Road of Guilt” #SilentHillROG
Cosplays by Dax79!

James Sunderland – Matt Perkins

Check out “FanFilm Awards” (FFA) and see the 2022 program (Coming soon) here. As soon as we have more information I will update you! To think I was upset that we had no cosplay events! If COVID never happened, “Silent Hill: Road of Guilt” may have never happened either!